May 28, 2019--Narsarsuaq (BGBW--->>Reykjavik (BIRK)
Engine start: 10:17 Local (Greenland)
1217 Z (UTC)
Wheels Up: 10:24 Local (Greenland)
1224 Z (UTC)
Direct BGBW --->> BIRK 88 degrees mag, 670 nautical miles
Touchdown Reykjavik (BIRK) at 1709 Local and Zulu time (UTC), May 28, 2019
Reykjavik May 28 thru May 30. Hotel--CenterHotel Midgardur
Reykjavik is our only multi-day stop before Duxford. We are booked for two nights at the CenterHotel Midgardur a very nicely designed and comfortable hotel well located in the vicinity of the city center and waterfront.
Once again the weather in BIRK (Reykjavik) ws spectacular just as in Greenland. The Norse god Freyr has favored DC3 18121 and us and we are grateful. We are al lready for a little R & R and some good meals. On the first night we all set out together for Kodar, and excellent restaurant by the harbor. Outstanding seafood! Thanks go to Dave Thompson, culinary sleuth extraordinaire.
On the 29th (Wednesday) we gave ourselves a bit of a break and split up going off in different directions to explore the city or to visit the countryside. The city is easily walkable and not too hilly. People are very friendly and helpful. The city impresses by its cleanliness, orderliness and a sense of prosperity. Currently there seems to be a lot of new construction going on. Tourism has grown dramatically in recent years and this is evident in the number of shops and restaurants catering to tourists.
A prominent landmark of Reykjavik is the soaring spire of the cathedral and adjacent statue of Leif Erikson and monument recognizing his big FIRST, the discovery and rudimentary settlement of Vinland (aka North America).
On our second evening in Reykjavik the majority of our party repaired to Apotek restaurant located in a former dispensing apothecary shop while the remainder dined at Fish Market (appropriately named). Both restaurants received high marks.
The group that had traveled to the countryside during the day described it as "Eastern Oregon with geysers".
We returned to the CentralHotel Midgardur for some planning of the next day's flight to Inverness, Scotland (the final long overwater flight to complete our crossing from North America to Europe). We looked forward to a good night's rest.
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